My TIIDELab Experience 2.0 (Second Month)

My TIIDELab Experience 2.0 (Second Month)

Guess who I met on the 2nd of October 2020?

After rounding up HTML and CSS tutorials with Mr. Solomon Chokor, we began to dine with Mr. Ibrahim Kehinde (Mr. Kenny as we all love to call him), the CEO of K-Solution, the company providing us with everyday morning CCA-Test, He is a GURU not only in JavaScript but programming in general.

At first, I doubted I will be able to cope with JavaScript Because of my love for Python, but I was totally wrong, as Mr. Kenny's mode of teaching was so perfect for me, he's patient and always ready to go back to page 1 even though we're on page 1024, just for a single person among us all to understand.

Mr. Kenny wasn't the one I met on the 2nd of October 2020

Two weeks into Mr. Kenny's JavaScript classes. I was able to start a personal JavaScript project, and also have a couple of assignments that I hosted on Netlify.

I learned how to use JavaScript for the following:

  • Array and Object
  • Conditional Statement for validation
  • Browser Local Storage CRUD
  • DOM and BOM Manipulation
  • Event Listeners

Below are the projects I was able to kick start with my JavaScript Knowledge

1. Future College.

2. TIIDELab Service

I was also able to add Registration, Validation, and Login functionalities to my team project just with Vanilla JavaScript.

Truly JavaScript brings lives to web development, the feeling of seeing my team project move from hard-coded data to dynamically collecting data from users and retrieving back information as we intended is really amazing.

Mr Kenny has really been a blessing to my JS career for taking the time to break down JavaScript basics into tiny meats.

Here are my accomplishment with JavaScript so far

1. Answered 24 correct JavaScript questions in 3 minutes 38 seconds

Unclebigbay answers 24 JavaScript questions correctly in 3 minutes and 38 seconds

2. Proceeded to pursue a W3school JavaScript Certificate

unclebigbay receive JavaScript certificate from W3schools

I am really happy with the JavaScript secrets Mr. Kenny has revealed to me.

Guess you're still wondering who I met on the 2nd of October?

Just 1 more!!!!

I was scheduled for a 30 minutes interview with Celestine Omin, the CTO of altalabshq, he began by asking me questions on version controls which was actually my favorite topic.

He then proceeded to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. He shared his screen and logged on to his company's website and asked me to tell him how I will achieve some components, which I was glad to narrate.

It was as if the 30 minutes should continue because I wanted more from this Legend whose flight was delayed after being accused of not looking like a programmer. You can read about him on Google, his previous works include Andela, Konga, and Paystack, now you know why I want to continue the interview with him? 😂

Here 👇🏼 is the question I asked him when he asked me for a question:

Unclebigbay Tweet on my interview with Celestine Omin

Tweet on my interview with Celestine Omin

Finally, As I have promised.

Celestine Omin wasn't the one I met on the 2nd of October 2020 either

It was Mr. Kadir Salami (TIIDELab Daddy) On getting to the usual Friday meet-up venue, Mr. Shamsudeen (Big Brother) announced that the CEO of TIIDELab and Tech Specialist will be joining us soon, personally, I had mixed feelings, the sweet feelings of finally going to meet the MAN and the fear of meeting him. Mr. Kadir Salami is undoubtedly a humble man from the way he talked, mingled with us, and also laughed out loud during our Senatorial Debate, he made a delightful ambiance for us all.

He blessed us with 5 GOLDEN principles

  1. Have an entrepreneurial mindset
  2. Be self-confidence
  3. Practice Practice Practice
  4. Improvement
  5. Reinvesting in yourself

What stood out for me most was the question he asked us WHO ARE YOU? I was like really? WHO AM I? This question keeps ringing in my head and I have been working on 3 different answers to shoot when next I am asked by anyone.

unclebigbay with cohort 2 fellows

Can you see? He didn't even stay at the center, his response was to let the Madam Senate President stay there. I really like Mr. Salami's humor. He really didn't disappoint my expectation, he's really a humble man, and I am glad to be under him as a mentee.

Now that you know who I met on the 2nd of October. It shows that I have fulfilled my promise.

Thanks a lot for reading this far 🙌.

I will be posting more about my stay at TIIDELab and very soon start writing tutorials on some coding topics and problems I encounter.

Thanks for reading to the end….SEE YOU NEXT TIME ✌️.